A South African Contract Testing and Research Laboratory

We are proudly one of the very few solely independent South African companies still in business since 1989.
Please support us! We are small but we have a big heart SABS certified ISO 9001 business.
Our modern laboratories are continuously being updated and expanded with a wider range of apparatus and electronic instrumentation. We have just purchased the latest technology in FTIR (organic analyses) and ICP-OES (heavy metals testing) instruments for our chemistry laboratory!
Our Mission is to be the leading accredited independent commercial chemical, microbiological and food and water testing laboratory, as well as a professional scientific consultancy, in the country, with world wide reputation for professionalism and client/customer confidentiality.
We are setting ourselves up to do cannabinoids and FECO oils testing using the latest GC Medicinal equipment. Yes! we are now setup and ready to test your products!
We provide a wide range of laboratory and scientific services:
- Chemical Tests;
- Microbiology Tests;
- Test method investigations;
- Training in basic chemistry and laboratory techniques;
- Biotechnology investigations;
- Manufacture and supply of laboratory standardised solutions and reagents;
- Chemical and nutritional analyses of foodstuffs, meat, grain products and vegetable oils and fats;
- Nutritional evaluation of food products as required by government labelling requirements;
- Analysis of fertilizers and animal feed stocks;
- Chemical tests on environment and air samples;
- Evaluation of trade effluents;
- Chemical and bacterial quality of waters, including marine ballast water;
- Chemical and bacterial testing of potable waters; SANS 241 and beverages;
- Chemical and bacterial quality of commodities;
- Lab testing of cosmetics and nutriceuticals;
- Grading quality of agricultural commodities as per export and import specifications;
- Chemical and bacterial quality of bunkers and other petroleum products;
- Microphotography;
- Laboratory Tested endorsement of products

Note our Terms and Conditions of Business:
All sales and services of Chem-Science Laboratories (Pty) Ltd are made subject to our Terms of Business, which shall be applied in the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions set forth in any document issued by the Buyer, Client or Customer.
Any provisions contained in any document issued by the Buyer, Client or Customer are expressly rejected. Chem-Science Laboratories (Pty) Ltd failure to object to terms contained in any subsequent communication or document from Buyer, Client or Customer will not be a waiver or modification of these Terms and Conditions of Business.
Please also consult our Privacy Policy and Disclaimers
For other Microbiology and Bacteriology Testing Laboratories in South Africa:
Check out Bio-Science Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Don't forget, we now also offer microphotography and cannabis testing facilities at very reasonable costs!